Family disputes are stressful.
Your representation should be easy.
At Holam Law PC, we work to find you efficient, amicable and affordable solutions in all areas of family law.
Holam Law PC is a boutique family law firm practicing across Markham and its surrounding areas, including Richmond Hill, Newmarket, Scarborough, Thornhill, Vaughan, the Greater Toronto Area, Pickering, Ajax, Whitby, and Oshawa.
Established in 2019 by partners Janice Ho & Lucia Lam, our firm focuses on securing pragmatic resolutions to your family disputes.
While we focus on finding amicable, timely, and cost-efficient solutions, we are also able to advocate for your interests if litigation becomes necessary.
As your family lawyer, we do our utmost to mitigate your stress and preserve your financial resources.
At the outset of our work together, we will identify the relevant legal issues and work with you to develop a strategy that works for you and your family.
We obtain results for our clients because our approach is singularly focused on efficient, practical resolutions. Our clients matter. At all stages of negotiating a settlement, we advocate for your best interests.

The first step in resolving your family dispute is to contact us for a consultation so we can better understand your circumstances. Consultations can take place by telephone or Zoom.
Call us at 365-608-6161, email us at info@holamlaw.com, or fill out the form below to schedule an appointment today.
We will respond to your request within 24 hours.